Demonstrating the approach of rAAVs production for NewBiologix

NewBiologix technologies consist of stably engineered HEK that have integrated all genes necessary for rAAV production.
These engineered HEK cell lines will be readily adaptable to meet the viral vector demands and requirements over a full range of therapeutic products and diseases.

The Goal

“Create a 3D animation to explain our science to investors and highlight the expertise in the genome based science"


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Our Approach

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Outstanding animation feature: homogeneous structure of the cluster of nucleic acids, which corresponds to the real one

When making round and normal DNA chains, we had to make models with a close angle of bending between their parts to show the correct structure of the group of nucleic acids. It was important to make sure that the picture properly shows the example of the chromosome's different structure, where each part has its own unique form.

Знімок екрана 2024-01-03 о 16.28.38


Project in numbers

8 weeks

Duration from the idea to the final delivery  of the video (100 sec)

5 meetings

Communication with client is essential for us. To listen to them and provide with the best result

2 rounds

Two feedback rounds on the production stage


Déborah Ley

Chief Operating Officer at

"It was a pleasure to work with
Nanobot Team on our project.
We already had the opportunity to use this video on several occasions (BIO, our inauguration and of course our website) and we got good feedback"

Get in touch

If you have any questions or wish to discuss contact us by filling out the form below.

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